How to Bookstagram ≫ Part One

I have been asked a few times to give tips and tricks on how to bookstagram. I thought it would be easier to write a blog post so anytime someone asks me for some tips on bookstagram, I can just send them a link to this blog post.  Please keep in mind that this is just how I take photos, edit them, and whatnot!  I will be dividing this “How to Bookstagram” guide into three parts.  The first part is a little introduction to what bookstagram is, my personal experience, and a few tips and tricks.

Once I have all three parts up, I will link them here:

Part 2 – Content/Photos

Part 3 – Followers/Likes/Conclusion


What is bookstagram? Bookstagram is Instagram’s platform for book lovers.  The community is filled with people who want to share their love for books through photographs. 

my personal experience:

I have been a part of the bookstagram community since January 2, 2015.  My username is @celinereads. I was not sure how I felt about joining the community because at the time, I only owned around ten books and I thought that there was no way that I was going to be able to post regularly.  After I joined bookstagram, I started to buy more books to build my collection.  Keep in mind that you do not have to have a large collection of books to join the bookstagram community.  You can take photos of your own books, library books, e-books.  Basically anything that will allow you to discuss books with other book lovers.

how to get started

I wanted to help out those who want to start a bookstagram account and is hesitant or is unsure of how to get started or maybe you just started Instragram and want some pointers.

  1. Username: It isn’t mandatory, but I suggest choosing username that has to do with reading.  It is just easier for other Instagrammers to be able to point out that you are a book related account.  If you can’t think of  a username, you can do what I did and use my first name and then add the word “reads” at the end, which is how I got CelineReads. Again, it is not mandatory, just a suggestion 🙂
  2. Photos: I will go more in-depth with how to take photos, themes, and filters in part two, but I just want to briefly discuss it in this section.  I started out with taking photos on my iPhone so it is definitely doable to have a bookstagram account with just a camera on your phone, iPod, iPad, laptop, anything.  I am all about natural lighting, and I highly suggest taking photos with natural lighting as well.  I find that photos are more true to color with natural lighting.
  3. Quality Over Quantity: I personally think that it is better to post one good quality photo that you love and are excited to share with the world than posting multiple photos that you took just because you felt the need to post again.  I suggest having a “book photoshoot” whenever you have time so that you can have all your photos already taken care of and you can post them when the time comes.  Please don’t feel like you HAVE to post.  If you don’t feel like posting for the day, don’t.  It’s much better to wait until you feel like posting than forcing yourself to take photos or posting when you don’t have the effort to talk about the photo you want to post or don’t have the effort to take a photo that you’re proud of.  I like to post every twelve hours.  Occasionally, I will post more than that, but not usually.  Sometimes I only post once.  It all depends on how I feel.
  4. What To Post: Post any photo you would like, but if you ever get a “photo block” and cannot think of anything to post, join a monthly book photo challenge. I try to make the bookstagram experience easy for myself and fellow bookstagrammers by creating monthly challenges.  If you join in on any monthly challenge, then you will basically have a whole month of photos sorted out for you.  
  5. Captions: My only tip/suggestion for captions is to be honest and to be yourself.  Also, try to be kind and respectful to others.  If you’re sharing an opinion that other people might not agree with you on, try your best to state that you respect everyone else’s opinion, but this is your opinion


If you are thinking about joining the bookstagram community, I think you should go for it!  Joining bookstagram was one of the best decisions I have ever made and I don’t regret joining the community at all!  If you want me to check your bookstagram account out, comment your username below and I’ll be sure to check it out!




55 thoughts on “How to Bookstagram ≫ Part One

  1. Sakina says:

    I started my Bookstagram in December of 2015 (I’m so mad at myself that I don’t have the exact date I started – I’m good at deleting emails I don’t need) and I was also worried that I wouldn’t have a lot to post about because I own less than 20 books! It’s really all about being creative with the pictures you take. I don’t post everyday either because I have school and exams to worry about, but whenever I have time, I do a little book photoshoot and take a bunch of pictures so I can post for the next week or so. So excited for this blog series! I’m sure I’ll learn a lot!


    • celinereads says:

      Congrats on starting your bookstagram! I 100% with you on how it’s all about being creative with your pictures not about the amount of books you have!


  2. booksformari says:

    omg when I saw your new post alert on my email, I hyperventilated, I’ve been waiting for this post for a month (I just joined bookstagram) and I loved it, I already want to check out part 2 🙂 I really love your account, Celine and congrats on the 20k, well deserved!


  3. Tanya says:

    Wow this is great! I just recently started my bookstagram and I’ve been really excited because I love taking pictures! My Instagram is @tgbookboutique and I’m doing your challenge! It really does make it easier to post because it’s like a list! Thank you for the lovely challenge!


    • celinereads says:

      Thank you and congrats on joining bookstagram! I will definitely check your account out. I’m glad you’re enjoying the challenge!


  4. Danielle says:

    Your new blog is so cute and elegant! 🌸 I just started my bookstagram a few weeks ago and I have to say I really appreciate bookstagrammers like you who help make the bookstagram community more fun and interactive. I am loving your February book challenge. Thank you! 😊


  5. Raquel says:

    Great post!! I also recently just started my blog and then joined the bookstagram community in November 2015! I am loving it so far, it’s been alot of fun and I like playing around with book photos. My Instagram account is paperdreamsblog. 🙂


  6. Books Before Bedtime says:

    Thanks so much for the advice! Can’t wait for parts 2 and 3 😊 I just joined Bookstagram at the beginning of this year (New Years Resolution 😁) and I’m loving it so far ❤️ Such an amazing community! I’d love it if you checked out my account when you have time: @booksbeforebedtime

    It’s got a colorful, organized chaos vibe goin on 😅


  7. Anwesha says:

    I started my bookstagram quite a few months back and I really love taking pictures of my books though I can’t post them frequently,probably once a week.But the bookstagram community is so good and especially your account,it’s lovely.I plan to take up your daily pic challenge soon and my account is four_angelstars .And I have a question.Is it like alright to post a non-bookish pic within a bookstagram account?

    Liked by 1 person

    • celinereads says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words! I will check your bookstagram account out. I think that it is alright to post non-bookish pics on your bookstagram account occasionally. Try to make your main focus be books, but the occasional non bookish post is alright!


  8. Emily says:

    First off, congrats on hitting 20k! That’s such an awesome accomplishment!

    Second, thanks for posting this! I joined the bookstagram community at the beginning of the new year and couldn’t be more excited! My account is emseditions 😊

    Can’t wait for the next part of the series!


  9. Rose says:

    Thank you so much for that 🙂 I started my bookstagram last month and love the community and taking photos . My bookstagram is @mytimeisbooked if you could check it out and see what you think? I don’t know if I have a theme and was wondering if you had any tips on that?


    • celinereads says:

      Congrats on joining the bookstagram community! I really love your username and I think your photos are great! I would say that you do have themes because your photos look like they have the same lighting and you use the same backgrounds so you are fine with the whole theme part 🙂


  10. Belle says:

    this is really helpful and i seriously can’t wait for part 2 & 3. I never thought of keeping photos ready on hand, since I just post on weekends but yeah it will be handy 🙂 for the quality over quantity, ughh i need to keep this in mind! I tend to post abruptly once i finished a book and not think about quality (i did end up deleting those photos) Thank you for this 😀 My IG is @bico_belle


    • celinereads says:

      I’m glad you found it helpful! 🙂 What I suggest doing is when you’re reading a book or maybe before you start reading a book, have a good quality photo of that book in hand so when you’re done reading it, you can post a photo of that book and discuss your thoughts on it right away!


  11. amber says:

    Hi Celine, last week I started an online book club followed by a book related instagram account. I would love for you to check it out. @book_addict_amber


  12. bookishdreamss says:

    I just joined bookstagram a few months ago, and I am enjoying it so much! Accounts like yours have such high-quality photographs, and I love checking out others book collections and reading about different opinions. I’m really looking forward to the rest of this series!


  13. Darina says:

    I’ve recently started my bookstagram (@darinasbookland) and I enjoy it!! I want to improve my writing skills so write book reviews is really helpful)


  14. Doyag says:

    Great Post! I’ve always loved books and used to occasionally post book pictures but I’ve just joined Bookstagram. My only issue is time zone. most great active bookstagrams are in a completely different time zone than mine. it’s hard to interact.


  15. Marketa says:

    Great post! Looking forward to part two and three 🙂 I’ve participated in your Janurary and February challenges and will probably do any challenge you create.
    I’d love it if you checked out my account (@mlovesreading) when you have time.
    P.S. Congratz on the 20k.


  16. journey_thru_pages says:

    Omg Celine. These post help me so much. I am such a lover of books and sometimes certain things I would do made me feel like maybe I’m a weirdo lol. I just started my bookstagram account this month. I do have a fitness account for awhile now and I figured I wanted to join the book community since I have such a passion for books. I would love for you to check out my ig @journey_thru_pages I myself was feeling like I don’t have enough books and that maybe since I’m a mom and older in age I shouldn’t but of course I snapped out of that because books don’t discriminate lol. I also was feeling like I do have lots of books but mainly from one author V.C. Andrews (yes, I am a fan) and how would I be able to post pics or even join challenges. I also want to do book reviews and have my own site. What would you suggest I do to start that off?


  17. morganbellee says:

    Hello. So I have been following you for quite some time on my personal. You inspired me to start a bookstagram and hopefully a blog too soon. My user is @pabitelbookss . Seeing your posts make me smile so thank you ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Camryn says:

    This is so helpful! Thank you! My bookstagram is TheWritingCrafter as well, which I hope is ‘bookish’ enough to fit your first tip. I had considered changing it, but I like that my user name is the same across all the websites I use.

    Liked by 1 person

    • celinereads says:

      You’re very welcome! I’m glad you found it helpful. I will definitely check your account out 🙂 and I agree! It’s always nice to have the same username across all sorts of social media websites!

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Claire says:

    Hi Celine! I just started my bookstagram (@fulltimereader) a couple of days ago and I already love it! You were one of the first accounts I found and followed and I just started today on your March challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. anita says:

    I absolutely love your blog and your bookstagram. Your pictures are so beautiful! My bookstagram is @silencedcity. I started my bookstagram last year in October, I believe. I loved this post, I hope to see more of these sort of posts from you!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. WithEveryStory says:

    I’m so glad I found you as a bookstagrammer! I then saw your post announcing your posting of the second part for ‘How To Bookstagram’, and visited the blog, and I’m so glad I did! How did you make this blog? It’s beatutiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. thecaffeinatedbook says:

    I’ve only recently started a bookstagram account and I’d absolutely love it if you checked it out and gave me pointers on what to keep and or change (@thecaffeinatedbook). 🙂 You’re account is amazing.
    Thank you for taking the time to help me.


  23. marina says:

    if you could take a look and give me some advices on what I could change for better
    sorry if the gramatic isn`t good but I am from spain
    @marinandbooks thanks for help xoxo


  24. marina says:

    if you could take a look on my instagram page and give to me some advices please
    sorry if my gramatic isn´t good but I am from spain
    thanks xoxo


  25. Wild Butterfly says:

    I really love your account it is just so beautiful, you are such an example to me! This article is really good too, I’ll try to apply your advices. But since I am in a boarding school, and I don’t have Internet for the whole week I am not able to post daily but only during the week end and it is really sad to me. Anyway if you feel like checking my account it is @wibutterfly even though it isn’t as great as yours!


  26. Anya says:

    Thank you so much for the post! It is very helpful. I am hesitant to put up a bookstagram because of a couple of reasons–I don’t have many books, I don’t know exactly what I want to post about, and I have no idea what I’d like my username to be.. Although your post was very helpful and persuading me more and more into creating a bookstagram account! Any tips that may help solve some of my problems? 😄 Thank you!!


  27. Regina says:

    Hi Celine! I really loved your post and I adore your account. You’re one of my biggest inspiration on Bookstagram. I’ve just joined the community a week ago and and I can’t wait for August to join your monthly challenge. You can find me @reginasroyalreads. If you have time, please check it out.


  28. Ninoska says:

    Hello Celine. I joined bookstagram last year and really love the experience. Can you please check my account? Is @ngoris in IG. Thanks


  29. Alyssa says:

    I just joined the bookstagram communtiy! I have been obsessing over it for months and it just seemed to click with me since almost my whole life I have surrounded myself with books. My bookstagram is @latenightbiblio and I’m also trying my hand at blogging! My blog isn’t up yet as I’m still tweaking everything BUT it is also ! I have to say, your instagram was one of the first bookstagram accounts I discovered (I actually think it was the second!) and you definitely inspired me to take a chance on making my own!


  30. everromanticizing says:

    I just started bookstagram on the 16/8/2016 – a few days ago at @everromanticizing only just beginning but excited for the journey – thanks for the tips! Do you have any tips on starting a book blog?


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